Discover the excellence of authentic Siemens spare parts, designed to keep your appliance running as the first day regardless of the IQ model you own. Empowering your home maintenance journey, we stand ready to assist you in restoring your appliance to its peak performance. Choose Siemens, where intelligence meets longevity.

Let's find your genuine Siemens spare parts by category

Choose the category that corresponds to your appliance type and experience the seamless efficiency of genuine Siemens spare parts. Your journey to optimal performance begins with a simple selection.

Find spare parts by appliance model

We want to help you find the spare parts necessary to keep your appliance in perfect condition. If you could not find your appliance category, just provide us with the model number, and we'll gather all the details to display the specific spare parts for your appliance.

Please enter your appliance's model number (E-Nr.) to get started

Please enter E-Number
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E-Number not valid
Please try again and only send a PNG or JPEG image.
There is a technical issue. Please try again or type the Model Number (E-Nr Number) into the field manually.

Where do I find the E-Nr.?

E-Nr. is a combination of numbers and letters located on the type plate of your appliance.

Example of a type plate
This field is required.
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invalid information

Why is it a good choice to select Siemens spare parts?

With this wide variety of reliable spare parts, there are several reasons to choose Siemens over other spare part suppliers:

Reliable Siemens spare parts

Enhance the durability of your Siemens appliances

Genuine Siemens parts boost appliance durability due to perfect compatibility, superior materials ensuring optimal performance, and a guarantee of quality and safety

Brand-new Siemens spare parts

Enjoy your appliance as if it were new

By using original replacement parts, you are replacing a part with an identical one, quickly and efficiently restoring your appliance to its original state.

Eco-friendly Siemens spare parts

Beneficial for both you and the planet

Repairs help the environment by reducing e-waste, conserving resources, cutting emissions, fostering a circular economy, and saving money.

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